
Posts Tagged ‘import – craft – specialty’

ZiegenBock Amber

Another Wednesday, another craft brew recommendation handpicked for you, Pint Jockeys. Put on some country music and get ready to giddy up, because we’re returning to our Texas roots. Today, we’re focusing on a craft beer brewed with pride in the heart of Texas – ZiegenBock Amber.

ZiegenBock is a true beer of the South. This American-style amber lager offers notes of roasted grains in the aroma, a sweet, smooth taste and a hop finish. The select imported hops and specialty malts create a flavor worthy of the 2006 Great American Beer Festival Bronze Medal.

It’s no surprise that a beer with a taste big enough for the Lone Star State also puts on its own music festivals to celebrate all things, you guessed it, beer and Texan! So keep your ears peeled for the sweet sound of country music coming to a city near you this Fall.

Can’t wait ‘til the festivals and want a taste of the ice cold, Texas-brewed craft beer by the same name right now? Look no further than your refrigerator or favorite bar, because ZiegenBock is available in bottles and on tap.

Put your cowboy boots on, grab a few friends and let the Texan in you run wild, because no matter where you are or what you’re doing, the taste of Texas is just an arm’s reach away.

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